Best Postharvest Field Practices

Have you faced a rain delayed harvest season? Does your field have deep furrows that will make planting nearly impossible next spring? If this applies to you, you need an Art’s Way Land Plane!

As harvest wraps up, there is still plenty of work for farmers to do. Fields need fertilized and sprayed with herbicides, fields need tilled, waterways need shaped, and furrows need corrected. Luckily, we have lots of equipment to help with these needs! With record setting rains this fall, harvest left many fields with deep ruts. Our Land Plane works great for dead spots in the field, deep furrow elimination, and implement scars. By using our Land Plane, surface drainage can be improved by eliminating water pockets. This will help you maintain a consistent growing environment. Operating at a high speed, our Land Plane saves you time and money.


Take control of your field by shaping waterways. By designing a way for natural drainage to occur, you will prevent gullies from forming on your land. Gullies tend to appear in draws between hills and other low-lying areas. An Art’s Way Ditcher is designed to cut through most types of soil while creating a v-shaped ditch. This occurs with the use of hardened steel cutting edges.  By shaping this channel, run off water will flow across the grass instead of tearing away at the soil causing gullies.


It’s no secret that tendering the land after harvest yields the greatest benefits. A great way to manage terraces and waterways is with an Art’s Way Land Grader. Our Land Graders are perfect for leveling the ground and cleaning ditches. Other uses for the Land Grader include rebuilding ponds, grading roads, snow removal, leveling headlands, digging irrigation ditches, and maintaining levees. This is a product that is great for virtually any season!


Give your field the attention it needs before planting season next spring. Whether you need to correct furrows caused during harvest season, reconstruct waterways to maintain the field environment, or just level out your ground, our Land Equipment will get the job done! Contact your local dealer or our Customer Service Center today at 712-864-3131 for more information.

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